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Prologue: Page 001
Prologue: Page 001
Page Information Publish Date: 2011/02/05
Commentary Comment date: 2016/05/08
Hello and welcome to Rockman DASH Legends (RMDL)! This webcomic is an expanded retelling of the first Megaman Legends (Rockman DASH) game made by CAPCOM and first released on December 18th 1997 (incidentally exactly 10 years since the release of the original game which created the franchise the gaming community I believe has grown to know and love).
First put together as a bunch of random comic sketches back in early 2011, RMDL eventually took off after I tried applying my drawing abilities at-the-time to create something that resembled a story flow through a series of panels. Having grown up with Japanese comics which read from right to left, I decided to make this comic formatted as such, and just worked in the style of the comic as I felt at the time.
Hello and welcome to Rockman DASH Legends (RMDL)! This webcomic is an expanded retelling of the first Megaman Legends (Rockman DASH) game made by CAPCOM and first released on December 18th 1997 (incidentally exactly 10 years since the release of the original game which created the franchise the gaming community I believe has grown to know and love).
First put together as a bunch of random comic sketches back in early 2011, RMDL eventually took off after I tried applying my drawing abilities at-the-time to create something that resembled a story flow through a series of panels. Having grown up with Japanese comics which read from right to left, I decided to make this comic formatted as such, and just worked in the style of the comic as I felt at the time.
Other Stats
Total Chapters: 6
Total Pages: 238
Total Filesize: 196,724.58 KB